函館・みなみ北海道観光ガイド - 一般社団法人函館国際観光コンベンション協会

Tram & Bus Information / Hakodate Tourist Information Center

July 1, 2024 Updated.

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 City Tram
 City Tram Route Map
 Hakodate bus
 Sightseeing shuttle bus
 From Hakodate station bus terminal / To Hakodate station bus terminal
 For Jomon culture center, Ofune remains, Shikabe Geyser Bus Schedule
 For Matsumae via Seikan Tunnel Museum Yokozuna Museum
 Hakodate teisan bus
 Shuttle bus from Hakodate Airport to the city center

Hakodate Tourist Information Center is Located inside JR Hakodate Station. You can get town maps and brochures that are useful for sightseeing. The guides will also provide you with advice on sightseeing.

Hakodate Tourist Information Center
